Topic: Obesity, Nutrition/Diet, Physical Activity, Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco, Sleep, Life Stress
Target Population: Young Adults
Sector: Community-Based
This program is for young adults who are 18 to 25 years old.
InShape Prevention Plus Wellness© (InShape PPW), a community-based screening and brief intervention, is designed to prevent or reduce substance use and increase positive mental and physical health outcomes among participants.
The initial randomized controlled trial conducted in 300 college students found that 3 months after receiving the program, participants in the intervention group reported significantly reduced frequency and heavy use of alcohol; reduced driving after drinking; and increased hours of sleep, moderate exercise, three types of healthy eating, and improved social and spiritual health-related quality of life. At 12 months, participants in the intervention group reported significant reductions in driving after drinking, increases in physical activity, and improvements in social and spiritual health-related quality of life. A follow-up study conducted in 200 college students found that participants in the intervention group had significantly less intentions to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or use marijuana. Finally, another study conducted in 155 college students found that students receiving the InShape PPW program reported significantly greater body-image satisfaction compared to the control group.
InShape PPW intends to influence young adults with regards to alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drug use; physical activity; healthy eating; sleep; and stress management by using motivating social images and future self-images to help participants consider and plan for positive behavior changes. This program is delivered using the following 3-step process:
This program may be implemented in college campus, healthcare, military, sports, or recreational settings and can be used as a standalone program, as a supplement to other programs, or as a booster session.
Information about previous implementation of this program was not located.
There are no background or educational requirements for facilitators, and live online and on-site training workshops are available. Online Program Implementer Training is 5 hours and costs $249 per person. Online Training of Trainer Workshops last 2 hours and cost $799 per person. On-site Program Implementers Workshops are 5 hours and cost $2,500 per person. On-site Training of Trainers Workshops are 2 hours and cost $799 per person. Please use details in the Contact section for more information.
Considerations for implementing this program include acquiring buy-in from participants, recruiting facilitators and ensuring they receive training, finding space for consultations or group lessons, and understanding program materials will need to be purchased.
The Clearinghouse can help address these considerations. Please call 1-877-382-9185 or email
If you are interested in implementing InShape PPW, the Clearinghouse is interested in helping you!
Please call 1-877-382-9185 or email
The program is administered in a single session, which lasts less than 60 minutes.
A program manual with digital downloads, which allows a single person to implement the program to unlimited participants, costs $499. Please use details in the Contact section to learn more.
To move InShape PPW to the Effective category on the Clearinghouse Continuum of Evidence at least one external evaluation must be conducted that demonstrates sustained, positive outcomes. This study must be conducted independently of the program developer.
The Clearinghouse can help you develop an evaluation plan to ensure the program components are meeting your goals. Please call 1-877-382-9185 or email
Contact the Clearinghouse with any questions regarding this program.
Phone: 1-877-382-9185 Email:
You may also contact Prevention Plus Wellness, LLC, by phone 1-904-472-5022, email, or visit
Moore, M. J., Werch, C. E., & Bian, H. (2012). Pilot of a computer-based brief multiple–health behavior intervention for college students. Journal of American College Health, 60(1), 74-80.
Werch, C. E., Bian, H., Moore, M. J., Ames, S., DiClemente, C. C., & Weiler, R. M. (2007). Brief multiple behavior interventions in a college student health care clinic. Journal of Adolescent Health, 41(6), 577-585.
Werch, C. E., Moore, M. J., Bian, H., DiClemente, C. C., Ames, S. C., Weiler, R. M., … Huang, I. (2008). Efficacy of a brief image-based multiple-behavior intervention for college students. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 36(2), 149-157.
Werch, C. E., Moore, M. J., Bian, H., DiClemente, C. C., Huang, I., Ames, S. C., … Pokorny, S. B. (2010). Are effects from a brief multiple behavior intervention for college students sustained over time? Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory, 50(1-2), 30-34.